DU SOL Result

DU SOL Result sol.du.ac.in Checker – DU SOL Result Portal

DU SOL ResultThe School of Open Learning at the University of Delhi, a constituent school of the university founded in 1962, provides a range of programs in humanities, sciences, and commerce. Recently, SOL, Delhi University, announced the results for the first semester of the BA program on its official website, sol.du.ac.in. Students can access their course-specific exam results by visiting this website.

Additionally, the School of Open Learning, Delhi University, offers various undergraduate courses, including BA, BA (Hons), B.Com, B.Com (Hons), as well as postgraduate programs like MA and M.Com, all of which can be viewed on their official website. To check their results, students need to input their details into the online portal.

DU SOL is affiliated with the University of Delhi and provides both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the fields of Arts and Commerce. The school specializes in distance education, offering a flexible mode of instruction for students seeking higher education and vocational skills.

Typically, examinations for all courses are held in May/June each year by Delhi University, with the results for both undergraduate and postgraduate courses being published on the DU SOL official website.

How to Check DU SOL Result

Students can access the DU SOL Result on the official website. To view result, students are to follow the simple steps provided below;

  • Visit sol.du.ac.in
  • Under the students tab, click ‘Results’
  • Alternatively, visit the result page directly via sol.du.ac.in/index-result.php
  • Click on the ‘Result Link’ relevant to your desired ‘Examination Type’ and ‘Course’
  • Enter the following details;
    • Enter College Name
    • Exam Session
    • Exam Roll No.
    • Date of Birth
    • Complete Captcha
  • Click on submit


  • It is recommended that students make a hard copy of their Statement of Marks/Score Card for future reference, as this link will no longer be accessible in the future.
  • The Students whose result is fall under the category of RA(result awaited)/AB(Absent), may contact to the Principal of the concerned College/Department/Centers within 10 days of declaration of the result.
  • Students may please note that Marksheets can be downloaded up to one month after declaration of result. After that, students must visit Examination Branch and make payment for getting marksheet.

Key Details to Verify in DU SOL Result

In the DU SOL Result, students are advised to verify the following information;

  • Title of Statement of Marks
  • Seat number
  • Permanent Registration Number
  • Centre Name
  • Name of the Student, Students’ Mothers’ name
  • College Name
  • Subject Code, Subject Name, Maximum and Minimum marks allotted and marks obtained. 
  • Grand Total, Result status and Medium of Instruction

DU SOL Result Revaluation

To enhance the efficiency of addressing student concerns and delivering improved support, the School of Open Learning at the University of Delhi employs a Revaluation Registration and Monitoring System. Each request for registering a grievance is assigned a distinct registration number, enabling you to monitor its status and responses online. School of Open Learning at the University of Delhi maintains comprehensive archives and a history of all your grievance submissions for your convenience.

To submit a grievance, it is essential to provide a valid email address and mobile number. We kindly request that you print and retain the Grievance Registration for future reference, as you may be asked to present it for assistance.

DU SOL Revaluation Result 2023

 The revaluation fee is 1000 INR per subject. Students need to form the revaluation form from the official website within 15 days from the date of the result declaration. Alteravtively, students can contact the school revaluation helpdesk via grievanceexam2023@sol-du.ac.in

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